About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
M. Melissa Crenshaw
Notes on Installing Holograms and Exhibiton design
My solo exhibitions and group exhibitions I have curated are designed so that the individual holograms play back to the viewing space in a way that allows the kinetic, dynamic aspect of the images to be seen. The diagram in the center below, is a partial exhibit lay out that takes these interesting aspects of holograms into account. If installed this way the images play back viewing angles will work in concert with, rather than in opposition to the images next to them. The images on the left and right shows how to determine the viewing angle of a hologram when planning an exhibition layout.

These 5 views of the same hologram (from Choice & Circumstance) image below, show how the images angle of view (AOV) shifts with the viewers position. It is essential to understand how the image plays back so the full impact of the image can be seen.

These 4 views of the same hologram image below, (Levels with Light Blocks) show how the images angle of view (AOV) shifts with the viewers position. It is essential to understand how the image plays back so the full impact of the image can be seen.

Most of the artist I know who work in Holography, install and light their own shows. Lighting is the crucial component of reconstructing a hologram image in the way it was intended.

Lighting my exhibit
Lauk Kommunications Gallery
Pulheim, Germany