About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
M. Melissa Crenshaw
Detailed CV
Selected Work Experience, Commissions & Appointments
Holography Consultant at Southwood Holographics, New York
Instructor, The International School of Holography
2024 - 2022
Global Images Hologram Collection & Rudie Berkhout Hologram Collection, Collections Consultant/Manager to HOLO Inc. Chicago
Specification and qualification of Analog isolation recording system at Southwood Holographics
Instructor - Bard College Holography Workshops – at The Berkhout Holography Studio, Catskill, NY
Designed and taught: Introduction to creative holography workshop
Designed and built the student optical camera.
Technical Holographer - NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts PHASE ll Research
Worked on a holographic optical element primary objective for a space telescope for 3DeWitt, LLC.
The High Etendue Multiple Object Spectrographic Telescope (THE MOST)
Archivist - The Rudie Berkhout Collection – Catskill, NY
Documented and Archived the Berkhout Studio lab notebooks in their entirety.
Art Committee
11th International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH) Aveiro, Portugal
Member of the Art Committee and responsible for the Canadian report from the nations
Project Photographer and Storyline author - Jack James Thunderbird Totem
Documented the Lifecycle Restoration Project of an existing but deteriorated NW coast totem pole.
Photographed the James family carvers throughout the restoration process
2017 –1997
Research Manager - Philips Electronics (Ledalite) – Langley, BC
Designed and managed multi-lab Holographic Research Facility for Development of MesoOptics including clean room, holography optics lab, chemical processing lab, and photometric lab.
Created micro optics research and master tools, MesoOptics (USA Patent 7660039)
Responsibilities included:
Spin coating photo resist holographic masters and managing/monitoring the master tools for mass production.
Managed the development of the first digital Master for mass production.
laser direct-write R&D at Simon Frasier University, 4D Nanofabrication Facility.
Luminaire & Light Guide Photometry (Goniophotometry)
Responsibilities included:
Assisting the Optical Engineer with photometric testing of experimental Luminaires.
Monitored the performance of MesoOptics and Light Guides by Luminaire photometry.
Archivist -The Rudie Berkhout Art Holography Collection – Catskill, NY USA
Archived over 80 holographic art works by indexing and evaluating the holograms and sealing up the holographic plates.
Technical Holographer - 3DEWITT LLC., at the University of Puerto, Physics Department – Mayaguez, PR
Created a Holographic Optical Element with Tom Ditto, under 3DeWitt NSF and NASA Grants.
Presented one-day ‘Introduction to Holography’ workshops for Masters and PhD level students.
Exhibition Jury - International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH) MIT –Cambridge, MA
Exhibition Committee
Exhibition Director - International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH) – Shenzen, China
Installation and illumination specialist for ~35 holograms for ISDH Conference
Installation Consultant & Fabricator for Holographic Panels - HYATT REGENCY – Vancouver, BC
Provided installation consultation
Responsible for the lamination process for creating the panels for installation
Laminated panels with diffraction grating film for the installation
Advised on illuminating the panels.
1997 –1987
Director, Global Images - The HOLOGRAPHIC STUDIO LLC – Vancouver, B.C.
Designed a holographic art studio for art hologram production.
Acted as the Director of the Global Images Artist in Residence program.
Provided technical and production support to several artists who received grants to produce limited edition art works at this studio.
1998 –1996
DCO Document Control Officer (ISO) & Patent Portfolio Manager - LIGHTWAVE MEDICAL LLC – Vancouver, BC
Managed the ISO 9001 Research and Engineering document
Maintained the patent portfolio to meet filing and other deadlines to keep patents current and on track.
Luminescent Holographic Glass, for an installation in an Oregon State Movie Theater & restaurant in NYC.
Commissioned Artist - F3 Store – Vancouver, BC
Multi-media Water-Feature Produced in collaboration with Vince Helton & Associates.
Commissioned Artist - VANCOUVER AQUARIUM – Vancouver BC
Commissioned to create a hologram for an exhibit in the Wetlands Discovery Center - “Disappearing Amphibians”.
Installed and illuminated the hologram
Commissioned Artist - BC Tel Mobility Center – Burnaby, BC
Invented a process for laminating embossed holographic film into a patterned glass tile product "luminescent Holographic Glass". Created floor tiles, furniture inlay, and other architectural treatments.
Commissioned Artist - CENTER FOR IMAGE AND SOUND RESEARCH – Vancouver, BC
Spectral Lighting effect
Commissioned Artist - SCIENCE WORLD MUSEUM – Vancouver, BC
Created holographic portraits of three Scientists of the Year for the B.C. Health Federation Scientist of the Year Awards, exhibit.
Pulse Masters were created with Michael Page in Toronto.
Produced all transfers including optical reductions and 1:1 format.
Advised installations fabricators and illuminated the holograms in the display.
Commissioned Artist – Bing Thom Architects - Canada Pavilion - Expo '92 - Seville, Spain
Designed a spectral effects water feature of approximately +5000 sq. ft.
Collaborated with well renowned Vancouver Architect Bing Thom during the design process.
Advisor - Shearwater Arts Foundation – New York, NY
Acted as a jury member for art awards for artistic achievement in art holography.
Jury Member - Canada Council – Ottawa, ON
Jury member for Canada Council Holography Production Grants
Chairperson - Art Session/Exhibition Director,International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH)Lake Forest, IL
Acted in mixed role as Curator, Exhibition Director and designer, installation and lighting for a 75 hologram International exhibition of art holograms from around the world.
Presenter - International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH) – Lake Forest, IL
Delivered holography workshop ‘Faculty for Pseudocolour Holography’ – Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois
Installation & Lighting Specialist - Holography Exhibition “IMAGES IN TIME AND SPACE” – Montreal, QC
Lighting Specialist for international exhibition of +100 art holograms
Research Holographer - SportSoft Systems – Vancouver, BC
Designed Holographic Optical Element(HOE) for Stadium format video screen.
Acted in mixed role as Curator, and Exhibition Designer overseeing installation and lighting for an international exhibition of contemporary holography.
Presenter - International Symposium on Display Holography (ISDH) – Lake Forest, IL
Lecturer on art holography
Presenter - Anthony Arts Foundation – Houston, TX
Lecturer on art holography and presented one-day workshop on holography
Holographic Technician - SMITH AND CVETKOVICH HOLOGRAPHY – Chicago, IL
Responsible for chemical processing of commercial reflection holograms
Responsible for contact copy lab for the replication of reflection holograms
Holographic Technician - STANFORD UNIVERSITY – Stanford, CA Fabricated hologram of a sculpture by Young Harvill of Stanford University, at the Evergreen State College holography lab
2001 International Light Fair, Las Vegas Nevada:
New Product of the Year Award, Ledalite (PHILIPS) MesoOptics®
1994 Special Mention
Women's Monument Competition
1993 Finalist, Gordon Head Recreation Center Public Art Competition
Finalist, Renfrew Public Library Public Art Competition
1992 Canada Council Media Arts Production Grant
1989 Shearwater Foundation (New York) ($10,000) Award for artistic achievement
Artist-In-Residence: Fringe Research, Inc. Toronto, Ontario
1985 Artist-In-Residence: Museum of Holography, New York, N.Y.
1983 Artist-In-Residence: Museum of Holography, New York, N.Y.
Johnathan Ross Hologram Collection, London, UK
Art Bank, Canada Council, Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Chunichi Shimbun, Nagoya, Japan
Global Images, Inc. New York, USA
Hornby Island BC Arts Centre Hornby Island BC Canada
Lauk Kommunication, Pulheim, Germany
M.I.T. Museum Cambridge, MA. USA
Museum of Holography, (FARHC) Chicago, Illinois USA
Samuel Lallouz Gallery, Montreal, Quebec Canada
Numerous private collections