About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
About my Holograms
M. Melissa Crenshaw
Selected Exhibitions
Centro De Holographia Y Artes, Ciudad Real, Spain Holographic Paradigm, an exploration in the frontier of science and art
Kunsthalle Würth, Schwabisch Hall, Germany The Third Dimension in Images, Holograms in the Würth Collection
Kingston, New York The Center for Holographic Arts The Art of Holography Past and Present
Cornell Creative Art Center, Kingston New York Holograms: Dimensions in Light, The Artists of the Holo-Center
Avery Arts Center, Bard College Annandale, New York solo show Light in Transition
Holo Center, Governors Island, New York, NY USA Embodiment
Aveiro City Museum – Aveiro Portugal Art in Holography, Light, Space & Time
The Gallery at Artisian Square, Bowen Island BC solo show Melissa Crenshaw Holography
Center for Holographic Art, Long Island City, New York Interference: Coexistance *
Selected Holographers - Holography Center, Long Island City, New York.
Group show of Holography, Beacon New York, USA Holography – The Art of Shaping Light*
Vancouver BC Déjà vu– Group show of Holography & 3D video*
Hornby Island BC, Arts Centre solo show Light Line: Holography of Melissa Crenshaw*
The Gallery at Artisan Square, Bowen Island, BC
The Sights and Sounds of Peace, Compassion and Universal Responsibility
(Dalai Lama through the Arts)
The Gallery at Artisan Square Bowen Island, BC solo show Holographic Installations by Melissa Crenshaw
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia Light from Shadow: The Role of Chiaroscuro in Spatial Imaging
Moreau Art Gallery, Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame, Indiana Leading Lights: Women in Holography
Canton Museum of Art Canton, Ohio Visions into the 20th Century: The New Age of Holography
USA (several venues) Traveling Group-exhibition 1997- 2000 Unfolding Light, The Evolution of Ten Holographers,
The Gallery at Artisan Square, Bowen Island, BC solo show Light Line: Holographic Works by Melissa Crenshaw*
Holostar Corp. traveling exhibition, Montreal, Quebec Dimension: Light
Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey BC Canada Women’s Monument Project Exhibition
Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary, Canada Women’s Monument Project Exhibition
Fresno Museum of Art, Fresno, California, Holography Group Exhibition,
Royal Ontario Museum, Institute of Contemporary Culture, Canada Women’s Monument Project Exhibition
Vancouver Art Gallery Annex, Vancouver B.C. Giving Voice: A Monument in Progress
Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, B.C. The Figure in Light *
Montreal, Quebec Images Du Futur '94,
The Daimaru Museum, Tokyo, Japan New Works*
Patrick Doheny Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver, B.C Symbiosis*
Brooks Institute of Photography Gallery, Calif. The Holography Exhibition
Interference Hologram Gallery, Toronto, Ontario Censoring*
La Galerie Samuel Lallouz, Montreal, Quebec Choice & Circumstance *
Oyster Bay Arts Center, Oyster Bay, N.Y. Captured Light
Glendon College Gallery, Toronto, Ontario Selections, Choice & Circumstance *
Interference Hologram Gallery, Toronto, Ontario Choice & Circumstance *
Owens Art Gallery, Sackville, Ontario Selections, Choice & Circumstance *
Israeli Museum of Science & Tech., Tel Aviv, Israel Selections, Choice & Circumstance *
Nagoya Science Museum, Nagoya, Japan
International Exhibition of Holography Selections, Choice & Circumstance*
University of Mississippi Museum,
Abstract Holograms 1983-87, Selections Choice & Circumstance*
Arena venue in Montreal, Quebec, Images Du Futur
Holos Gallery, San Francisco, Calif. Laser Holography Exhibit
Museum of Holography, New York, NY: Innovations in Art Holography
Museum of Holography, New York : The Fifth Avenue Show*
Center for Contemporary Photography, Houston, Texas: Photo Technique
Museum of Holography, New York, NY : AIR Waves, Artist in Residence Exhibition
The National Museum of Science & Technology, Ottawa, Ontario: Images in Time and Space
Iowa Museum of Science & Tech., Des Moines, Iowa: Light Dreams
Interference Hologram Gallery, Toronto, Ontario: solo show Z-Axis
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois: Contemporary Holography
Durand Art Institute, Lake Forest College Gallery, Lake Forest, Illinois:
International Exhibition of Holography
Maison de la Culture, Notre Dame de Grace, Montreal, Quebec: The Fascination of Holography
Interference Hologram Gallery, Toronto, Ontario: Perceptions; Selected Women’s Holography
Museum of Holography, New York, NY: Holography Re Defined / Innovation Through Tradition
Museum of Holography, New York, NY: Future Sight, Traveling Exhibition
Chicago Cultural Center Gallery, Chicago, Illinois: New Light, National Exhibition of Holography
German National Film Museum, Frankfurt, West Germany: Licht Blicke
Holos Gallery, San Francisco, California: Laser Lightworks
Durand Art Institute, Lake Forest College Gallery, Lake Forest, Illinois:
International Exhibition of Holography
* works created in collaboration with Sydney Dinsmore